DC702 – About

Well, Hello there. This is the original OG DC702 
Welcome to my Defcon Group Wondering Raven’s Defcon group 702. Formed in 2014

Location: Las Vegas, NV. USA (Obviously) 
Point of Contact: WonderingRaven
POC Email: dc702@wonderingraven.net
DC702 Meets: 
In Person: *Sonic Drive-In Pecos and Patrick Lane. 2nd saturday of each month.
Online: Discord – Friday nights hang out in, CTF, Movie night, or Community Game night. 
Las Vegas, NV. 
Description: DC702 is one of the oldest from 2014 and still ACTIVE  Las Vegas DEFCON group.  We mostly focus on Car Hacking oldschool, Capture The Flags, and other Las Vegas Cyber Security and Las Vegas Hacking fun.  We now have decided to seperate the discords from WonderingRaven’s Community to DC702.
We also inspire to the next generation, leading the hacker culture to the future generations. 

Currently Recruiting: Organizers, helpers. 

Warning* there is another group out there who instead of joining forces to help this community, just came into mine and with out  comunications they just came in and  have said ” f. You” and then left, they ended up and  started their own stealing the dc702 name and pretend we don’t exist and to this day my group is excluded even tho we have been active since 2014. When I joined their dc702 group I was harassed and asked to drop this one and give up. 

New Discord Server is up and running.  Click the Image below!  

DC702 - Defcon Group 702, las vegas dc702, defcon dc702

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