Unofficially unofficial – WonderingRaven’s DC702 – Master Lurker

Hi there,

Just wanted to give an update, meet and greets has been kinda vanishing as the Ratsun 702 meetings has deminished.

I will be attending Defcon like I normally do every year but for meetings right now will be online for a bit.  I have been focused mostly on Writing my Memoirs and hopefully be dropping it soon as soon as it does it’s final checks.

Rather I do it alone or with people this Dc702 will stay here technically it has been around since 1999, even if I opened my home to a hacker bbq for monthly meets or something. Join the discord and ask for the role.

Just an FYI, the discord is my multipurpose, I am an introvert but I do warm up easily. If you wantt o learn more about me, follow me on twitter and twitch for my daily live streams from 7pm-11pm pst daily.

My DCG 702 follow the Official DCG guidelines, so lets be cool to one another.

Even if I don’t get any recognition, I never had for over 20 years, why the fuck will I get it now?

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