
Well, Hello there.  Welcome to my Defcon Group Wondering Raven’s unofficial DC702.

Location: Las Vegas, NV. USA (Obviously) 
Point of Contact: WonderingRaven
POC Email: dc702@wonderingraven.net
DC702 Meets:
* Monthly BBQ mixers at sunset park. Time/Date tbd, aiming depending on weather the third Saturday of each month.
* Sonic Meet’s may return
Las Vegas. 
Description: DC702 is one of the oldest but still unofficial Las Vegas DEFCON group.  Car Hacking, Old School vs New School as I started in the darkside and became white hat over time. from the times of GlobalHell, Razer1911, and #AppznGamez mod for Warez.Com and once ran Anarchyrules.com for a time and in the great times of Rootshell hackers, r00tabega dugnet. I bring knowledge and shenanigans to the ones who want to hear, so come sit awhile and listen.

Currently Recruiting: Oraganizers