Defcon 31 is coming… this group is virtual currently.

Defcon 31 is around the corner, I know I have been quiet on this front as I have been dealing with a massive discrimination and wrongful termination with my previous job and hustling to find a new job that I have been focused on this past week with.

This Defcon Group is quiet and seems that the only traction this has gotten since I’ve started it was always around defcon time. But I don’t want to give up on it as it’s technically Defcon Group 702 unofficially, has been unofficially as it was at one point a gathering of friends before they just stopped coming to vegas & defcon all together.

Want to help this group? since the pendemic we have switched to basically virtually only. Discord has been seeing people join and leave, I can’t host it alone.

Discord is open, and roles are self asigned and the area for the roles is open to all who do join.

A group is consists of more than one person, so if you want to be apart to help boost this group, let me know and I’ll start adding in a new virtual meets to start with as currently this is virtually just me currently. I welcome anyone to join, if you want to share content, begin new projects that can be virtually done or can start a meet up as even my DM’s are open.

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